Steve Beatty, ICP, LPC
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) trained in multiple counseling modalities, including biblical counseling (Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling and ABC Certified Biblical Counselor) and neuro, mind-body and body-based treatments. My professional counseling training and clinical treatments are influenced by formal education in the sciences (Bioengineering and Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University) and theology (Professional Counseling, Dallas Theological Seminary). Therefore, while not all clients identify with a Christian belief, my training and experience demonstrate that these two areas are not contradictory. I can address an individual's needs based on their uniqueness and goals to achieve change. Subsequently, I offer a personal and supportive therapeutic relationship reinforced by solid and safe boundaries and enjoy working with individuals of all cultures, ages, and beliefs. While my initial approach is to address symptoms and reduce suffering, ultimately, I work with the client to identify and address the root cause of whatever is causing or contributing to their distress.
Depending on the counselor, Christian counseling may or may not consist of a formal counseling model. ​A Biblical counseling designation refers to a counselor who practices within a formal and robust counseling model (theory and application) which has been developed by leading counseling and theological scholars and finds its origin in the Bible. Biblical counseling seeks to answer the foundational questions of psychology, such as “Who are we?”, “Why do we do the things we do?”, “How do we change?” and “What is the purpose and meaning of change?”. While Biblical counseling will draw from research, it interprets within a Biblical worldview.
Neuro Health and Counseling Services operate from the divine ethic to love God by loving others. We firmly believe all people, everywhere, are created in His divine image and therefore have inherent worth.​ Regardless of your beliefs, anyone suffering from mental health issues will receive professional care reflected through authentic love, compassion, and sensitivity. While you may not embrace the Christian faith, that in no way limits the effectiveness of treatment, care, and consideration.
At NH&CS, you can expect a physical space that is relaxing, respectful, and highly relational (i.e. empathetic, non-judgemental, supportive, and curious). In the first session, we establish a safe and trusting relationship and begin the assessment of physical issues, emotional experiences, behavioral responses, and thought patterns. By assessing the person as a whole (heart, body, mind, and spirit), we are better able to develop a contextualized understanding (past and present) and map a treatment path to desired goals (future). The resulting treatment plan provides a dynamic and comprehensive process to follow and assists in targeting and treating what is contributing, even causing, emotional, mental, and even physical struggles.